looking forward to playing touhou 17.5 on october 25th (better not be 13.5 tier rushed)
will perhaps update with low quality screenshots and vague statements if I find it quickly
actually you know what I'll just edit the post (it is currently 18:55 PST)
this is all they had (picture uploaded at 18:36)
there were people on japanese twitter saying the line was so long and the stock was so low that you may as well wait for the steam release
apparently sold out at 18:48 (at 19:22 it was officially confirmed sold out by unabara)
this is from unabara's twitter
day one patch is inevitable
this was also posted though I don't know what it is
maybe a very crusty promotional paper or something I do not know
I'm hearing reports that there were not 50 but 200 copies
and that general participants were also able to pick up copies so there is hope for an upload at least
one guy on futaba said he got it and posted a picture at 19:19 so if he's legit it's just a few more hours now
ok update some 5 hours later
it seems the game has bad memory leakage and crashes when you retry
definitely not in a completed state but eh it functions decently enough I suppose
screenshots and information have been leaked but still no download link
people are saying the game is pretty damn hard and there was a ZUN afterword where he said something like "the fourth character you play has a special route"
I don't know what this means but people say raymoo unlocks kanakp unlocks murasa maybe it's just that
there is a screenshot where kanakp is on the route with new character though so I dunno
also there are more characters than just the ones in the demo and the new one's design is uuh
well you'll see when you get there
I've just seen a screenshot of a character being playable other than the four
dunno if that means everyone is playable (because then why not just make a fighting game) but there's at least 5 confirmed routes now
ok an hour later there's a stream and I can confirm there is no way in hell I myself would actually be able to beat the game (not like a download link has showed up anyway)
but leaked screenshots just keep coming and there's more and more reoccurring characters which I don't think anyone ever expected would show up here
if it turns out all of these guys are playable I get why it took them so long to make now
ok I can say there is much more to this than we knew previously
I reloaded a thread and it got like 150 posts in 9 minutes so there is so much more to this game to the point where new reveals are made even as I edit this post (new routes, characters, locations)
initially the gameplay kinda turned me away from the game but just the handful of leaked screenshots alone are more than enough to make the rest worth it
contrary to everyone's beliefs 15 hours ago this was actually worth the wait even just to know what's gonna happen in the game (though the game itself still has the crusty bugs and apparently the ED was not recorded and the game just sends you back to the title screen or something after you beat final boss)
if you want to have many "holy shiss" experiences I would recommend you stop checking any places that talk about the game because man
holy shiss
alright it's been 24 hours and I don't believe a download link has showed up
most people believe that there were too few discs and that nobody who cares to rip it got one
so I suppose we wait for steam release
some guy scalped it (and also the four new fumos because he is a scalper after all) for 600 dollars on yja so there is a very slight chance that someone bought it to rip it
nothing at all suggests it but eh I will have a moderate amount of hope about this